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Past Event


Meet Joy & Glittering Gloss

June 28, 2024

Presented at the PHI Centre: Meet Joy & Glittering Gloss is a performance with artists Annie Baillargeon and Jacqueline van de Geer as part of the PHI Montréal 2024 exhibition

Event Contemporary Art
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Past Event


Cartography of Mutations

June 7, 2024

Presented at the PHI Centre: Cartography of Mutations is a performative encounter with artist Annie Baillargeon as part of the PHI Montréal 2024 exhibition

Event Contemporary Art
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Past Event


Intergenerational Tea Dance

June 22, 2024

Presented at the PHI Centre: Intergenerational Tea Dance is an event from artist Jacqueline van de Geer as part of the PHI Montréal 2024 exhibition

Event Contemporary Art
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Past Event



June 15, 2024

Presented at the PHI Centre: Becoming is a performative encounter with artist Jacqueline van de Geer as part of the PHI Montréal 2024 exhibition

Event Contemporary Art
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Past Event



June 5 July 3, 2024

Presented at the PHI Centre: The PHI Foundation invites you to discover the results of the PHI Montréal 2024 residency through public engagement projects by artists Jacqueline van de Geer and Annie Baillargeon

Exhibition Contemporary Art
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Guided Visit with LSQ Interpreter (in French)

August 24

This guided tour of the exhibitions Sonia Boyce: FEELING HER WAY and Rajni Perera and Marigold Santos: Efflorescence/The Way We Wake is intended for individuals of the D/deaf and hard of hearing community

Event Contemporary Art
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Guided Tours with the Education Team for All

May 22, June 19, July 17 and August 21

Les éducateur·trice·s de la Fondation PHI offriront des visites guidées en français et en anglais des expositions Sonia Boyce: FEELING HER WAY et Rajni Perera et Marigold Santos: Efflorescence/ The Way We Wake

Event Contemporary Art
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Guided Tours with the Curator

August 10

Cheryl Sim, curator of the exhibitions Sonia Boyce: FEELING HER WAY and Rajni Perera and Marigold Santos: Efflorescence/The Way We Wake, will conduct guided tours of the exhibitions for the general public

Event Contemporary Art
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Daily Guided Tours

May 14 September 8

Our Visitor Experience Coordination team offers guided tours in French and English of the exhibitions Sonia Boyce: FEELING HER WAY and Rajni Perera and Marigold Santos: Efflorescence/The Way We Wake during our opening hours

Event Contemporary Art