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PHI Contemporain HUB Kuehn Pelletier Proposal COVER



Photo: © Kuehn Malvezzi + Pelletier de Fontenay, Visualization: Secchi Smith

Proposal by
Kuehn Malvezzi + Pelletier de Fontenay

Watch their video presentation

"PHI is Alive. Simple and bold, PHI is an active project, whose story is being told in real time. Its form should never be fully crystallized. As much as possible, it needs to remain open and in permanent transformation. 

Instead of proposing a new building, we are proposing a new infrastructure, where a variety of events can take place. Artists need to take possession of all the spaces in surprising and unexpected ways. In this spirit of appropriation, no space should be off limits. Everything is fairplay. It is conceived as a simple and solid framework, a contemporary platform for artists and curators, a window onto our contemporary world."

—Kuehn Malvezzi + Pelletier de Fontenay, an excerpt from their Proposal for PHI Contemporary

"At the centre of the new design is our understanding of the institution as an active entity that is being formed in real time, open and in a state of permanent transformation. Conceived as an open landscape rather than a building, the design is a simple and solid framework, a contemporary stage for hosting a wide range of activities."

—Kuehn Malvezzi + Pelletier de Fontenay


PHI Contemporain Kuehn Malvezzi Copyright Clemens Renner v WEB
Photo: Clemens Renner
PHI Contemporain Yves de Fontenay v WEB