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Bang Bang Cover - Daniela Andrade

8 Songs that Launched Daniela Andrade's Career on YouTube

  • Article
  • Centre PHI
Par  Laurianne Désormiers

Cet article est disponible en anglais seulement.

When she began sharing her stripped-down but always creative acoustic covers, Daniela Andrade quickly became a worldwide YouTube star, with more than one million subscribers to date. Inspired by a broad repertoire of artists including icons Nirvana, Radiohead, Gnarls Barkley and Nancy Sinatra, the young Canadian has proven her talent and is now ready to perform her own compositions.

Seven years after the artist started broadcasting her videos, she released a visual EP of original material that premiered at the PHI Centre on July 15, 2016. Discover the eight unconventional covers that launched Andrade's career.

1 - Heartbeats, by The Knife
Daniela's take on The Knife's song is quite catchy. In this video, mostly shot by Jeff Kwok, we can see parts of the artist's performance at Adelaide Hall, in Toronto, and some clips of her time in the lovely city.

2 - Smells Like Teen Spirit, by Nirvana
With this cover, the young singer-songwriter pays homage to Nirvana's lead singer Kurt Cobain and the powerful influence he had on music. Brilliant.

3 - Crazy, by Gnarls Barkley
Minimalist and authentic, this version of Crazy proves that Andrade can put her own twist on a song, bringing a creative approach to its interpretation. P.S. The track was featured in the Canadian TV show Suits.

4 - Falling Slowly, by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
Falling Slowly is a song that was featured in the 2007 Irish musical romance Once, for which it won Best Original Song at the 80th Academy Awards. The video was shot in New York, starring Andrade and her long-time YouTube friend Paulo Serapio, who is also a singer and guitar player.

5 - Where Is My Mind, by Pixies
Where is My Mind by American alternative rock band Pixies transcended time to become one of the group's signature songs. In this video, Daniela combines her voice with smooth guitar riffs, offering a softer version of the original track.

6 - Bang Bang, by Nancy Sinatra
Although we can't help ourselves from thinking of the movie Kill Bill when we hear this song, Daniela's version of Bang Bang stands out with its simple yet unconventional aesthetic. And yes, we do want to watch the film over and over again after listening to this.
Cover photo for the article

7 - Feel Good Inc., by Gorillaz
Once again completely different from its original version, this cover of Feel Good Inc. is among Andrade's most viewed videos. The song was released in 2005 by British virtual band Gorillaz, on their second album Demon Days.

8 - Creep, by Radiohead
With more than 10 million views, this cover, the oldest video of this series, is quite impressive. At 19 years old, Daniela already had a very unique voice, and was meant to become an accomplished artist.


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