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Nadège Grebmeier Forget, Auto-portrait (Décomposition 4), January 11, 2023


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PHI Foundation 465 Saint-Jean Street
Education Room (SS01)

Saturday, June 3, 2023
From 10 AM to 12 PM

Free admission
Reservations required

For our Open House event, you are invited to participate in a creative activity with the artist who designed our public engagement project. Everyone is welcome—young and old alike! 

I WILL NEVER FINISH REMOVING ALL THESE FACES. (GUIDED REFLECTION) is a public engagement project conceived by Nadège Grebmeier Forget and presented in dialogue with the exhibition Terms of Use, which is on view at the PHI Foundation from March 9 to July 9, 2023. The project consists of an installation that is accessible during the Foundation’s opening hours.

Though it is not usually regarded as participative or interactive, Grebmeier Forget’s practice is based on different mediations of the self via the image, operated through the mediums of performance or installation. Through mirrors, visual echoes, and constant passages between analog and digital realms, the artist explores the meanderings of self-representation, proposing that it is an inescapable contemporary phenomenon, both aesthetically and psychically. If Grebmeier Forget tends to place herself at the center of her works, acting as both subject and object, this public engagement project is an opportunity for the artist to open up her approach to different spectatorial postures that also oscillate between action and observation, between the unique and the replicated image, or between abstraction and figuration.

The title of the project is a nod to Claude Cahun (1894–1954), whose work includes images in which the artist is both the photographer and model. Using clothing, make-up, and poses, Cahun reframes and reimagines personal expressions of gender and, more broadly, codes of representation. Operating in the same spirit, Grebmeier Forget has conceived of an installation that will host creative group activities facilitated by the PHI Foundation’s Education Team. Guided by a performative score written by the artist, participants will produce self-portraits on mirrors, using various beauty products as pigments. Acting as ghosts of past activations, these changing traces will accumulate and remain visible to the general public, who are invited to visit our Education Room during the Foundation’s opening hours and see themselves reflected in the installation. A performance by Grebmeier Forget within the exhibition completes the project.

The artist would like to thank Julie Cusson, Claudia Fancello, Marlène Ferrari, Daniel Fiset, Amy Fung, Laurie Laroureux-Scholes, Michelle Lacombe, and Douglas Scholes.

Curator: Daniel Fiset


Nadège Grebmeier Forget

Nadège Grebmeier Forget works in the field of contemporary art as an interdisciplinary artist, project coordinator, creative consultant, and artistic director. Best known for her live and private durational performances, she builds a critical reflection, across her projects, on the medium by questioning its presentation devices, the issues in its documentation, and the potential of its mediation. Her work draws its influence from the vocabulary of feminisms, her own body and personal psyche acting as mediums of observation, research, and transformation.

Grebmeier Forget has taken part in numerous events, festivals, conferences, and residencies in Canada, Europe, and the United States. She is the first performance artist to receive the Prix Pierre-Ayot (2019) from the City of Montréal, awarded in partnership with the Association of Contemporary Art Galleries (AGAC).

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