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PHI Event Centre Habitat Sonore SE Ov3
Photo: ©Julien Grimard

Sonic Consciousness x Habitat Sonore

  • Experience
  • Music
  • Immersion

Price including service fees, excluding taxes

All ages

Sunday, June 4:
Experience A: 12 PM, 2:30 PM, 5 PM
Experience B: 1:15 PM, 3:45 PM

Look up to address on google map

PHI Centre Salle d'écoute
315 Saint-Paul St West
Montreal, Quebec, H2Y 2A3

Tune out the everyday noise and lose yourself in Montréal’s new immersive listening room with this carefully crafted one-day programming presented by Project Immersed.


Discover two experiences of original and reworked compositions by a cast of six incredibly talented local and international artists. Utilizing the spatial environment of Habitat Sonore and offering the experience of tactile immersion via SUBPACs, guests will have the opportunity to receive an intimate, full body experience of listening.

Project Immersed invites you to let go, tune in and explore the art of deep listening. To allow music and sound to become your guide and your body a vessel in this sonic exploration of self, surroundings and beyond.


PHI Event Centre Conscience Sonore Slowpitchsound Habitat Sonore1

Alternate Forest - Nature Minutes and Transport Station by SlowPitchSound

Composer | Mentor | Sci Fi Turntablist

Alternate Forest - Nature Minutes is presented in honour of Earth.

Transport Station is the starting point of a fantastic voyage deep into your imagination. There's a wooden bench with headphones hanging above so you can wait for your ride. Sounds are constantly entering our bodies through our ears or by vibrations felt everywhere. Our brains have this amazing ability to cancel out familiar frequencies like the humming of a fan, fridge noise, and even the steady flow of highway traffic. With this installation, SlowPitchSound wanted to examine what happens when familiar sounds are manipulated with the absence of sight as a reference and taken out of context. The experience is made with field recordings collected from locations around Toronto.

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PHI Event Centre Conscience Sonore Felicia Lush Ramya Flo Habitat Sonore

Infinite Sky by Felicia Lush + Ramya

Space Travelers

Welcome to an expanded heart sound journey into the infinite skies. Esoteric scattered beats offer warmth to a free fall opening into the familiar unknown. Beyond mind. Beyond space. Beyond time. Effortless melodies of truth, meaning and nothingness all merge into one. Shape shifting forms of freedom float and dissolve into the rays of light of this spacious sky scape. A remembering. A passageway. Softly beckoning to this moment, to our hearts, to our home.

Felicia's SoundCloud ↗
Ramya's website ↗
PHI Event Centre Conscience Sonore Moe Clark Habitat Sonopre

piyêsiwak wâhkôhtowin / thunderbirds kinship by moe clark

métis 2S multidisciplinary sound artist / vocalist / educator

Old words create new worlds.

Centring nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree language) as a generative transmission for far into the future generations, this dream song crosses listening thresholds to highlight trans*dimensional kinship relations with beyond human relatives. A mirror is sung between earth and sky, reflecting the gifts both piyêsiwak (thunderbirds) and 2Spirit kin embody as guardians between realms. We call in prophecy and the vital importance of nipiy (water) in this future realm, layering source recordings of nipiy with têwêhikan (drum), sisikwan (rattle), and voice. piyêsiwak wâhkôhtowin invites us inside the dream lodge to remember piyêsiwak and their great migration to skyworld. piyêsiwak wâhkôhtowin is a prayer, singing open sovereign sites of futurity which animate the flux and fluidity of existence.

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Photo: Nang K'uulas


PHI Event Centre Conscience Sonore Rafaelle M Habitat Sonore

MELTING WITH ALLIES ~ Our Voice by Rafaelle Mackay

Vocalist | Therapeutic Musician | Sound Astronaut

An immersive and sensory experience inviting audiences to reconnect with the essence of our natural world and embrace the elements as vital allies in our lives. Inspired by the urgency to honour and protect our planet, our bodies, and our voices , these soundscapes aim to raise awareness of the importance of our relationship with the environment and inspire a deeper sense of connection and change. Through a unique blend of voices and natural soundscapes, MELTING WITH ALLIES creates a space of presence for audiences to feel and embrace these elements: water, fire, wind, earth, and the cosmos. By melting with our allies within and around us, we can potentially transform our relationship with the world and inspire a deeper felt connection within the web of life.

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PHI Event Centre Conscience Sonore Michael Gary Dea Habitat Sonore

Forever Meditations by Michael Gary Dean


FOREVER MEDITATIONS is a set of immersive compositions and live performance for ambient electronics and double bass (featuring orchestral bassist Freddy Speer). Drawing from Pauline Oliveros' Deep Listening, modern electronic, ambient and neo-classical music, as well as research in the field of psychology, FOREVER MEDITATIONS is an invitation to experience meditative states of listening, merging live strings and contemporary electronics.

The creation of this work was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Photo: Sebastien Roy

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PHI Event Centre Conscience Sonore Aleksi Habitat Sonore

Connection by Aleksi Perälä

Music Producer + Composer, AP Musik

"Connection happened to me in February 2016. I had been obsessed with the great Pyramid of Giza for a while. I calculated the standing waves inside the Grand Gallery, the two chambers and the Sarcophagus. Matching the results with colundi frequencies worked really well, like it was meant to be. I analyzed recordings made by people singing inside the pyramid. I sang my own version and had my family sing too. I felt a strong connection, like I was there myself.

Here, a part of the album has been reworked into a surround sonic experience."

Bandcamp ↗


Sonic Consciousness ticketholders will have the opportunity to enjoy this special programming on June 3 as part of the event's exploration of the transformative power of music and sound. Sonic Conciousness is presented by Project Immersed and PHI.

PHI Event Centre Conscience Sonore COVER


Sonic Consciousness

June 3, 2023

An exploration into the transformative power of music and sound

Event Music

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