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PHI Event Centre Collis Browne COVER

Collis Browne

  • Performance
  • Music

Price in advance: $20
Price at the door: $25

Taxes and fees not included

Doors: 7 pm
Opener: 7:30 pm 
Show: 8:30 pm

Look up to address on google map

PHI Centre Space A
315 Saint-Paul St West
Montreal, Quebec, H2Y 2A3

Join us for a rare solo piano performance with Collis Browne.

Opener: “Welcome in the Water,” an installation by Collis Browne with video by Kymon Greyhorse

Presented by

PHI Event Centre Collis Browne IMG1

In French, the play on words, “Répétition,” means to practice and also to repeat. Collis’ music is a practice, a mantra and a spiritual experience towards collective healing and liberation. After a body of work spanning over decades of underground performances, Collis will give a rare solo piano performance of never before heard material and covers of unexpected favourites.

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Collis Brown - "Doesn't Matter"

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